Few things stir within us a greater sense than does beautiful music. It has the power to awaken our senses, to stimulate our intellect, and to break our hearts. Both in our worship life and in other arenas of our life together, we recognize the power of music to do something to us. If you have a passion for music and find joy in helping to create it or simply delight in how God works on us through music, you will love what we do here. Join a choir, play an instrument, and soak in the power of this extraordinary gift of God.
—Director of Music Jim Riggs
Jim Riggs' dedicated service to many churches began during his high school years at St. Matthew Lutheran, Bloomsburg, PA. Holding academic degrees as a speech language pathologist, Jim has studied with prominent organists and singers—singing solo roles with several local and regional opera companies, as well as, choral societies. A recent interest in composing has led to many of Jim's vocal, choral and instrumental works being performed and published.
Leading the congregation in song, as well as singing choral anthems to enhance our worship service, the Choir provides special music for extra services at Christmas, on Ash Wednesday, during Holy Week and at funerals—upon request.
Highlights of the choir season include either a Christmas Cantata or Lessons & Carols Service during Advent, and Music Sunday during the Easter season. Our Adult Choir meets at the church to rehearse every Thursday at 7:00 p.m. The choir is not active during the Summer. Zion's Adult Choir is open to all—no experience is necessary, only a love of singing.
The Youth Choir rehearses on Sunday mornings at 9:05 a.m. during the Sunday School hour, learning to sing hymns, liturgy and anthems.
During the school year, the Youth Choir provides special music for several services that include Youth Sunday, one Sunday in Advent, Christmas Eve, one service during Lent, Palm Sunday, Music Sunday, as well as participating in the annual Christmas Pageant. The Youth Choir is not active during the Summer.
Training is provided for all who wish to serve in this capacity.
Several Sundays during the Summer are devoted to Zion's Summer Choir. Anyone who is interested in singing in the Summer Choir may come to the short rehearsal at 8:00 a.m. on the designated Sunday to learn a simple anthem and hymn. Summer Choir members may sit with their families & friends during the service and come forward to sing the hymn and anthem when needed.
No robes or further commitment is necessary. Zion Summer Choir welcomes all ages to participate. This is a wonderful way for families to sing together and have the opportunity to sing in a choir without the commitment of our full-time choirs.
Concerts are varied, and have included barbershop quartets, brass quintets, vocal and instrumental soloists, choirs, handbells, jazz quartets, and even a Marimba ensemble. All of the concerts feature professional musicians from the Lancaster area. Attendance at our concert series is free, however, an offering is taken to support future concerts in the series.
Art at Zion brings a professional art exhibit to Zion twice a year, in conjunction with the Music at Zion Concerts. Artists are from the Lancaster area, and have included most art mediums and styles. Zion has also hosted many performances by Servant Stage Company, and other musical and stage groups that present uplifting & encouraging programs.
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